Why tomorrow?
But now is like pek cik to maximum. Suka suka then cancel this and then cancel that. Always give me the last minute to know when cancel class! >____<
To be honest I am very excited for tomorrow's class. I had a new accounting lecturer. His name is Mr Madhavan. Curious to see him and his studies. Better than my previous lecturer,Miss Vicky?
Guess what I did for the last day of break?
Clearing my cupboards with full of dust. Can see the before and after effect?
Left is before when I throw all the books on the floor.
Right is after when all the books are arranged in order.
I remember a lot of things when I starting to clear my stuffs. Although it seems easy to get it clear.. BUT there is one process which you do not know. I need to consider which I need to throw and not. I had lot of times which " I do not want to throw this but if i put it here it is wasting my space..."
After thinking for so long.. I finally make a cruel decision. THROW IT AWAY!
But I took the photos of it. I read back the previous essays I wrote. Rather funny. That's why I took a very long time to clean it up.
These are my high schools memories. I remembered I drew Gigi Leung's potrait and it comes out awfully. I went to Taylor for a one day design course tour with my schoolmates Xin Wei, Ashley, and Amy. During the tour I drew that man on that plain white paper with a guide of a foreign lecturer of Taylor's.
The left side second row photo is the comic of The Drover's wife which I made it with my classmate Jie Yan.<3 The middle one is the collection of my primary school magazines @ Sekolah Sri Bestari.
The third one is all the collection of my kindergarten, primary school and secondary school magazines. ^^
The last row with the snow man and a pink colour manila card is my form one English work. The snowman is a bookmark and that pink card is a poscard. And the last one.. Is one of my school Kemahiran Hidup teacher but she is not the one who is teaching me. I interviewed her because my form 2 sejarah teacher chose me to interview her.
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